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       Traducciones en 150 idiomas del mundo
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Technical translation
Finance and banking
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Medical translation
Construction and Building Trade
Scientific and academic translation
Marketing and Advertising
Computer technology and information science

Teléfono (+48) 81 740 11 13
Fax (+48) 81 533 86 91

Presupuesto rápido
Experts work tirelessly with experts to meet their needs!

By cooperating with Loquax you can commission us to do any language project focused on telecommunications and related areas. Thanks to a great diversity of themes and HR specialisations, Loquax is able to complete even most theoretically advanced technical and technological language projects.


Radio broadcasting

When cooperating with Loquax you'll be working with tried-and -tested experts in YOUR branch of the media or communications sector, so you can be absolutely sure that all your materials translated or processed by us will be of the highest value, in content, style and appeal to YOUR target audience and be meticulously localised.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

We welcome you enthusiastically to use our services.
Terminology Management

Human Resources

Quality Assurance

Language Bank



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Elige el idioma: * English * Deutsch * Français * Italiano * Español * Polski * 日本 * © 2005, LOQUAX. All rights reserved