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Technical translation
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Construction and Building Trade
Scientific and academic translation
Marketing and Advertising
Computer technology and information science

Teléfono (+48) 81 740 11 13
Fax (+48) 81 533 86 91

Presupuesto rápido
Experience - specialisation - competence

Loquax has extensive & intensive experience of projects in pharmacy, ethical drugs production and other related fields. All translations are by widely experienced and skilful translators who are experts in their area, both geographically & specialist fields

We are experienced in all the Main branches...

Applied Pharmacy
Pharmaceutical chemistry

...and Related fields such as

Toxicological chemistry

.. in all categories of materials & Documents

Advertising materials translation servicesAdvertising materials
Audit documentation translation servicesAudit documentation
Certification translations servicesCertification
Drugs specifications translation servicesDrugs specifications
Legal regulations (pharmaceutical law) translation servicesLegal regulations (pharmaceutical law)
Product trade use certificates translation servicesProduct trade use certificates
Production documents  translations servicesProduction documents
Quality assurance procedures translation servicesQuality assurance procedures
Quality books translations servicesQuality books
Registration certificates translation servicesRegistration certificates
Scientific publications translation servicesScientific publications
Websites & web products translation servicesWebsites & web products

When carrying out any translation projects with Loquax, you can be certain that the translations will be done by specialists in one or more of the Pharmaceutics-related disciplines who possess first-hand knowledge of specialist terminology, procedures & practices. Also we have a large team of doctors and specialists in medicine-related disciplines who possess first-hand knowledge General Medicine & clinical terminology, procedures & practices

So you can be absolutely sure that all your materials translated by us will be of great value, in medical/pharmaceutical language. And in terms of content validity and safety

If you have any questions, please contact us.

We welcome you enthusiastically to use our services.
Terminology Management

Human Resources

Quality Assurance

Language Bank


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Elige el idioma: * English * Deutsch * Français * Italiano * Español * Polski * 日本 * © 2005, LOQUAX. All rights reserved