Revolutionary ideas and novel solutions spring from inimitable encounters
In faraway places with strange sounding names
Look at the list of countries and cities below. We've worked with just about every country in the world. If we can localise material to Yerevan, Asmara and Nouakchott we can localise it to ANYWHERE
Our work in these exotic places is a real Partnership – usually involving a native of that place. Whether in The United States or Uzbeckistan, we help YOU find and keep profitable partnerships that last and last
 | Afghanistan | Kabul |  | Albania | Tirana |
 | Algeria | Algiers |  | American Samoa | Pago Pago |
 | Andorra | Andorra la Vella |  | Angola | Luanda |
 | Anguilla | The Valley |  | Antigua and Barbuda | Saint John's |
 | Argentina | Buenos Aires |  | Armenia | Yerevan |
 | Aruba | Oranjestad |  | Australia | Canberra |
 | Austria | Vienna |  | Azerbaijan | Baku (Baki) |
 | Bahamas | Nassau |  | Bahrain | Manama |
 | Bangladesh | Dhaka |  | Barbados | Bridgetown |
 | Belarus | Minsk |  | Belgium | Brussels |
 | Belize | Belmopan |  | Benin | Porto-Novo, Cotonou |
 | Bermuda | Hamilton |  | Bhutan | Thimphu |
 | Bolivia | La Paz, Sucre |  | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sarajevo |
 | Botswana | Gaborone |  | Brazil | Brasilia |
 | British Virgin Islands | Road Town |  | Brunei | Bandar Seri Begawan |
 | Bulgaria | Sofia |  | Burkina Faso | Ouagadougou |
 | Burma | Rangoon |  | Burundi | Bujumbura |
 | Cambodia | Phnom Penh |  | Cameroon | Yaounde |
 | Canada | Ottawa |  | Cape Verde | Praia |
 | Cayman Islands | George Town |  | Central African Republic | Bangui |
 | Chad | N'Djamena |  | Chile | Santiago |
 | China | Beijing |  | Christmas Island | The Settlement |
 | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | West Island |  | Colombia | Bogota |
 | Comoros | Moroni |  | Congo | Kinshasa |
 | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Kinshasa |  | Congo, Republic of the | Brazzaville |
 | Cook Islands | Avarua |  | Costa Rica | San Jose |
 | Cote d'Ivoire | Yamoussoukro |  | Croatia | Zagreb |
 | Cuba | Havana |  | Cyprus | Nicosia |
 | Czech Republic | Prague |  | Denmark | Copenhagen |
 | Djibouti | Djibouti |  | Dominica | Roseau |
 | Dominican Republic | Santo Domingo |  | East Timor | Dili |
 | Ecuador | Quito |  | Egypt | Cairo |
 | El Salvador | San Salvador |  | Equatorial Guinea | Malabo |
 | Eritrea | Asmara |  | Estonia | Tallinn |
 | Ethiopia | Addis Ababa |  | Falkland Islands | Stanley |
 | Faroe Islands | Torshavn |  | Fiji | Suva |
 | Finland | Helsinki |  | France | Paris |
 | French Guiana | Cayenne |  | French Polynesia | Papeete |
 | Gabon | Libreville |  | Gambia | Banjul |
 | Georgia | T'bilisi |  | Germany | Berlin |
 | Ghana | Accra |  | Gibraltar | Gibraltar |
 | Greece | Athens |  | Greenland | Nuuk (Godthab) |
 | Grenada | Saint George's |  | Guadeloupe | Basse-Terre |
 | Guam | Hagatna (Agana) |  | Guatemala | Guatemala |
 | Guernsey | Saint Peter Port |  | Guinea | Conakry |
 | Guinea-Bissau | Bissau |  | Guyana | Georgetown |
 | Haiti | Port-au-Prince |  | Holy See | Vatican City |
 | Honduras | Tegucigalpa |  | Hungary | Budapest |
 | Iceland | Reykjavik |  | India | New Delhi |
 | Indonesia | Jakarta |  | Iran | Tehran |
 | Iraq | Baghdad |  | Ireland | Dublin |
 | Israel | Jerusalem |  | Italy | Rome |
 | Jamaica | Kingston |  | Japan | Tokyo |
 | Jersey | Saint Helier |  | Jordan | 'Amman |
 | Kazakhstan | Astana |  | Kenya | Nairobi |
 | Kiribati | Tarawa |  | Korea, North | Pyongyang |
 | Korea, South | Seoul |  | Kuwait | Kuwait |
 | Kyrgyzstan | Bishkek |  | Laos | Vientiane |
 | Latvia | Riga |  | Lebanon | Beirut |
 | Lesotho | Maseru |  | Liberia | Monrovia |
 | Libya | Tripoli |  | Liechtenstein | Vaduz |
 | Lithuania | Vilnius |  | Luxembourg | Luxembourg |
 | Macedonia | Skopje |  | Madagascar | Antananarivo |
 | Malawi | Lilongwe |  | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur |
 | Maldives | Male |  | Mali | Bamako |
 | Malta | Valletta |  | Man, Isle of | Douglas |
 | Marshall Islands | Majuro |  | Martinique | Fort-de-France |
 | Mauritania | Nouakchott |  | Mauritius | Port Louis |
 | Mayotte | Mamoutzou |  | Mexico | Mexico (Distrito Federal) |
 | Micronesia | Palikir |  | Moldova | Chisinau |
 | Monaco | Monaco |  | Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar |
 | Montserrat | Plymouth |  | Morocco | Rabat |
 | Mozambique | Maputo |  | Namibia | Windhoek |
 | Nauru | Yaren District |  | Nepal | Kathmandu |
 | Netherlands | Amsterdam |  | Netherlands Antilles | Willemstad |
 | New Caledonia | Noumea |  | New Zealand | Wellington |
 | Nicaragua | Managua |  | Niger | Niamey |
 | Nigeria | Abuja |  | Niue | Alofi |
 | Norfolk Island | Kingston |  | Northern Mariana Islands | Saipan |
 | Norway | Oslo |  | Oman | Muscat |
 | Pakistan | Islamabad |  | Palau | Koror |
 | Panama | Panama |  | Papua New Guinea | Port Moresby |
 | Paraguay | Asuncion |  | Peru | Lima |
 | Philippines | Manila |  | Pitcairn Islands | Adamstown |
 | Poland | Warsaw |  | Portugal | Lisbon |
 | Puerto Rico | San Juan |  | Qatar | Doha |
 | Reunion | Saint-Denis |  | Romania | Bucharest |
 | Russia | Moscow |  | Rwanda | Kigali |
 | Saint Helena | Jamestown |  | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Basseterre |
 | Saint Lucia | Castries |  | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Saint-Pierre |
 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Kingstown |  | Samoa | Apia |
 | San Marino | San Marino |  | Sao Tome and Principe | Sao Tome |
 | Saudi Arabia | Riyadh |  | Senegal | Dakar |
 | Serbia and Montenegro | Belgrade |  | Seychelles | Victoria |
 | Sierra Leone | Freetown |  | Singapore | Singapore |
 | Slovakia | Bratislava |  | Slovenia | Ljubljana |
 | Solomon Islands | Honiara |  | Somalia | Mogadishu |
 | South Africa | Pretoria |  | Spain | Madrid |
 | Sri Lanka | Colombo |  | Sudan | Khartoum |
 | Suriname | Paramaribo |  | Svalbard | Longyearbyen |
 | Swaziland | Mbabane |  | Sweden | Stockholm |
 | Switzerland | Bern |  | Syria | Damascus |
 | Taiwan | Taipei |  | Tajikistan | Dushanbe |
 | Tanzania | Dar es Salaam |  | Thailand | Bangkok |
 | Togo | Lome |  | Tokelau | none |
 | Tonga | Nuku'alofa |  | Trinidad and Tobago | Port-of-Spain |
 | Tunisia | Tunis |  | Turkey | Ankara |
 | Turkmenistan | Ashgabat |  | Turks and Caicos Islands | Grand Turk |
 | Tuvalu | Funafuti |  | Uganda | Kampala |
 | Ukraine | Kiev (Kyyiv) |  | United Arab Emirates | Abu Dhabi |
 | United Kingdom | London |  | United States | Washington, DC |
 | Uruguay | Montevideo |  | Uzbekistan | Tashkent |
 | Vanuatu | Port-Vila |  | Venezuela | Caracas |
 | Vietnam | Hanoi |  | Virgin Islands | Charlotte Amalie |
 | Wallis and Futuna | Mata-Utu |  | Western Sahara | |
 | Yemen | Sanaa |  | Zambia | Lusaka |
 | Zimbabwe | Harare | | | |
When working with Loquax you can be sure that the finished material you receive from us will be up to your expected quality standards & within budget.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
