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       Traducciones en 150 idiomas del mundo
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ArrayWebsite translation & localisation
ArraySoftware localisation
ArrayMultilingual Desktop Publishing
ArrayAudio/Video translation
ArrayInterpreting services
ArrayPersonal Interpreters

Teléfono (+48) 81 740 11 13
Fax (+48) 81 533 86 91

Presupuesto rápido

Audio/Video translations

Whatever your Loquax offers the full range of multilingual text and audio/video conversion services, from script review to release -
Translating dialogue scripts
Editing and test formatting
Dubbing/ lip synchronisation
Narration/ voice-overs
Recording services
Format conversion: MPEG, WAV, MP3, Beta, DV Cam, BetacamSP, Betacam, 3/4- inch, 3-Inch SP, high-8, 8mm, SUperVHS and VSH, mini-DV, DVD
Special effects generation
Fully-soundproofed recording suite
Voice bank
Duplication of final products
Conversion to foreign formats
Streaming audio/video for real-time running on your website

By cooperating with Loquax you can be totally sure that the materials processed by us will demonstrate 21st Century technology and 100% professionalism!

If you wish to benefit from our expert services, or have any questions, please contact us.
Marketing and Advertising
Implementing international and multicultural marketing projects often means target contextualisation. Mere text translation is not enough. It involves a lot more, i.e. localising a source language and/or editing material anew by an editor who is a native speaker of the target language.

Studio Equipment

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Elige el idioma: * English * Deutsch * Français * Italiano * Español * Polski * 日本 * © 2005, LOQUAX. All rights reserved